Monday, May 27, 2024

The unworthy king

Once upon a time, there was an arrogant King known for his intelligence and wealth. He considered no one a worthy chess opponent and offered a tenth of his fortune to anyone who could prove otherwise, with the threat of execution for those deemed unworthy.

Many tried and failed, leading to their deaths. The King felt unmatched in skill and pride.

Years later, a beggar arrived, determined to challenge the King. Dismissed by others as doomed, he stood before the King, who scorned him and called for his execution.

The beggar replied calmly, "I forgive you for what you're about to do. Can you do the same?"

The King was taken aback. Realizing the truth in the beggar's words, he saw that he had already lost. If he executed the beggar, he proved the beggar's superiority in forgiveness. If he spared him, the beggar would gain reputation.

The King, understanding his dishonor, admitted defeat without a move. He recognized his unjust ways and handed his crown to the beggar. Donning the beggar’s rags, the King ordered himself imprisoned as penance.

The new King ruled with wisdom and justice. Years later, he freed the repentant former King, who went on to help create the best laws for the kingdom.

Everyone has the same worth and dignity, regardless of their power, riches, or talents. 

Only deeds are unworthy, not people

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