Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Two Wolves

An elderly Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life.

“There’s a battle happening inside me,” he said to the boy, “a battle between two wolves.”
“One wolf is evil, filled with anger, greed, jealousy, and arrogance. The other wolf is good, embodying peace, love, joy, kindness, and humility.”

“This same battle is going on inside you and everyone else in the world.”

The grandson thought for a moment and then asked, “Grandfather, which wolf will win?”

The old man smiled and said, “The one you choose to feed.”

Moral of the story:

Everyone has both good and evil within them. It’s our duty to recognize this and focus on nurturing the good.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The unworthy king

Once upon a time, there was an arrogant King known for his intelligence and wealth. He considered no one a worthy chess opponent and offered a tenth of his fortune to anyone who could prove otherwise, with the threat of execution for those deemed unworthy.

Many tried and failed, leading to their deaths. The King felt unmatched in skill and pride.

Years later, a beggar arrived, determined to challenge the King. Dismissed by others as doomed, he stood before the King, who scorned him and called for his execution.

The beggar replied calmly, "I forgive you for what you're about to do. Can you do the same?"

The King was taken aback. Realizing the truth in the beggar's words, he saw that he had already lost. If he executed the beggar, he proved the beggar's superiority in forgiveness. If he spared him, the beggar would gain reputation.

The King, understanding his dishonor, admitted defeat without a move. He recognized his unjust ways and handed his crown to the beggar. Donning the beggar’s rags, the King ordered himself imprisoned as penance.

The new King ruled with wisdom and justice. Years later, he freed the repentant former King, who went on to help create the best laws for the kingdom.

Everyone has the same worth and dignity, regardless of their power, riches, or talents. 

Only deeds are unworthy, not people

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Monkey and Fish

Once, there lived a monkey and a fish. The monkey believed in the golden rule and always tried to treat others as he wished to be treated. However, he sometimes misunderstood how to apply this principle. One day, a great flood occurred, and as the waters rose, the monkey climbed a tree to stay safe. From his perch, he saw a fish struggling in the water. The monkey thought, “I would want to be rescued from the water.” So, he reached down, picked up the fish, and placed it on a high branch. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned act caused the fish to die.
Moral of the story 
The story highlights a common reality in both nature and everyday life: people often try to help or make decisions for others in ways that may not fit their needs or circumstances. These well-meaning "monkeys" could be friends, colleagues, parents, partners, or managers. At times, you might have been the "monkey" yourself