Saturday, May 25, 2024

Monkey and Fish

Once, there lived a monkey and a fish. The monkey believed in the golden rule and always tried to treat others as he wished to be treated. However, he sometimes misunderstood how to apply this principle. One day, a great flood occurred, and as the waters rose, the monkey climbed a tree to stay safe. From his perch, he saw a fish struggling in the water. The monkey thought, “I would want to be rescued from the water.” So, he reached down, picked up the fish, and placed it on a high branch. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned act caused the fish to die.
Moral of the story 
The story highlights a common reality in both nature and everyday life: people often try to help or make decisions for others in ways that may not fit their needs or circumstances. These well-meaning "monkeys" could be friends, colleagues, parents, partners, or managers. At times, you might have been the "monkey" yourself

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